
r/karma’s Frequently Asked Questions

Karma in a nutshell

What is karma, and how do I get more of it?

Karma is a reputation system. Reddit as a whole will trust you more if you have more of it. On the most simple level, you get 1 karma point for every upvote you receive, you lose 1 for every downvote, and yes, you can go into negatives. Karma from comments is counted separately from karma from posts. It gets more complicated than that, but as a new user, those are the basics that you should start off knowing.^ Now, even if someone told you the methods they use to gain karma, it wouldn’t necessarily help you, since although that’s what they’re good at, you might be good at something else. The best ways to get karma are the ways you find for yourself. The basics include this, though: Be committed to using reddit regularly, put effort into the content you make, don’t repost in places where the focus is on original content (OC for short), and consistently leave witty but tactful comments wherever you can, especially on new or rising posts in popular subreddits.

Karma thresholds

Why do some communities require specific amounts of karma to post in them?

To keep trolls, spambots, spammers, and people who don’t know what they’re talking about out. Like I said, Reddit as a whole will trust you more if you’ve earned more karma, and for good reason. Reddit prefers regular users who put in the time and effort.

In other words, the purpose of karma thresholds is to limit folks’ ability to start an account or accounts and just spam reddit with whatever they want, throw out links, etc.

The bottom line is this: you have to prove upfront that you’re bringing value to the table before folks let you play ball on their subreddits. 1

Comment Cooldown

“you are doing that too much. try again in x minutes”

Although the best way by far to start building up karma is by commenting a lot, there’s an unfortunate obstacle in the way - users who are new to any given subreddit are restricted by a comment cooldown in that subreddit. This means that they can only comment every few minutes. At first glance, this may seem pointless and infuriating, but it actually does serve a purpose, and it’s not something that happens only to newcomers to the site.

The reason it’s necessary is that it prevents people from creating new accounts to spam comments. You yourself may have no intention of doing that, but it’s really impossible to know what every new user is thinking when they join. So far, this is the solution that works best. The way to overcome it is to get 10 karma (post or comment) from the subreddit you’re trying to use. With some dedication, you’ll be able to comment freely before you know it.

Does voting affect my own karma?

We’ve established that upvoting generally increases the karma of whoever gets upvoted, and vice versa with downvoting, but does it do anything to my own karma?

No. Voting will not have any effect on your own karma. It’s important to note, however, that chain voting, which means either upvoting or downvoting (but not a mix of both) every comment on several threads, or downvoting many posts in a subreddit in a short span of time puts you at risk of being shadowbanned, especially as a new user. This is likely because such behavior causes Reddit’s algorithm to suspect you of being a bot.

What can I do with all the karma I’ve amassed?

Does karma have any additional benefits or uses?

Karma points have no use beyond serving as a reputation system. They cannot be used to redeem or buy anything, within Reddit or off-site. It’s because of this that they have been dubbed “useless internet points”.

What is considered a little/a lot of karma?

Is there universal gauge that defines “small” amounts versus “large” amounts?

Just as the terms “a lot” and “a little” are highly subjective, so are amounts of karma. Once you have a few hundred of each type of karma, you’ll pretty much be free to post in most places without any issues. There’s no real purpose in trying to get more than a thousand of each type of karma, but it can be fun to do so anyway. When you do that, to you, “a little” or “a lot” of karma will simply be relative to how much karma you have.

Between post karma and comment karma, which is easier to get?

Should you focus your efforts on one type of karma over the other?

It all depends on what kind of person you are and what you’re using Reddit for. If you have plenty of content and Reddit is where you want to publicize it, post karma may well be easier for you to build up.

On the other hand, commenting is restricted in fewer places than posting, and your first hundred or so karma will likely need to be obtained by commenting only, since many places won’t let you post with no karma. Not only that, but writing out comments is generally less work than making any kind of quality content to submit to a subreddit.

Ultimately, it depends on you. There is no correct answer to this question.

Karma from deleted posts

If you delete a post or a comment, does whatever karma you got from it disappear as well?

No, your karma will not change if you delete comments or posts. The only way to change how much karma you have is to get upvoted or downvoted on any given post or comment within the relevant timeframe.

Creating your own subreddit

What do I need in order to create my own subreddit?

The criteria for being able to create your own subreddit are not publicly known.

This is to make sure that people spend some time participating on Reddit and getting to know how it works, before making a subreddit of their own. It also prevents spammers from using brand-new accounts to create subreddits for their spam.

If you find yourself unable to create a subreddit, please check the age of your account and your karma. You may need to wait a few weeks, or build up some karma. Acquiring karma is easy - just find some subreddits you enjoy, and participate. Post some comments and create posts in places where you can. In short, become part of the community.

Amounts of karma required for specific subreddits

How much karma do you need to post on [insert subreddit name here]?

If the mods of a subreddit haven’t specified the karma requirement upfront, chances are it’s a secret. This is to prevent people from going and spamming/begging for karma until they have the amount they know they need. Just participate consistently in other places and you’ll have enough karma sooner or later.

Awarder and awardee karma

What is award karma and how does it differ from post and comment karma?

Award karma is a relatively new feature. It works quite differently from post and comment karma. Here’s a bit on how it works, according to the original admin post that first announced it:

Receiving an award is a signal of recognition from another redditor. Therefore, receiving any award should earn a nominal amount of karma. Further, the recipient should get more karma when the award costs more. These two factors make up the experiment’s “awardee karma” calculation.

Award givers encourage others to create great content and they show their acumen when they recognize quality content early. Therefore, the experiment’s “awarder karma” calculation depends on 1) the coins used to give the award, and 2) how early the award was given relative to others.

The users with the highest amounts of karma

Who has the most karma?

You can view the karma leaderboard here.

“Where did all my karma go?”

A known visual bug Reddit has that we hear about way too much on r/karma

When using new Reddit in a desktop browser, you may notice that sometimes the shortened karma count under your username at the top-right of the page displays “0 karma”, even though you know that you have more than that. This is a known bug that the admins still haven’t dealt with, and it’s nothing to worry about. You still have your karma, which you can see by going to your profile

Additional guides

Post karma strategy by u/PorkyPain

Comment karma strategy by u/nodgers132

New Reddit accounts or users with low karma

If you have low karma or have a new account, don’t worry. Since you have reviewed the FAQ, you can reward yourself with the Karma Merit Badge that will enable you to participate freely in the subreddit. The badge is the flair that matches the logo of this sub. Refer to here on how to get the badge.

⚠ Please be warned however, that if you skipped reading this page just to get the badge, and we figure that out, you will receive a ban.



^(†) Where does it get more complicated?

Karma is not the total amount of upvotes minus downvotes you’ve received.

To quote Reddit’s CEO u/spez, when asked how karma is calculated, he had this to say:

It starts with one upvote = one karma, but karma is more restricted from an anti-cheating perspective and has ancient restrictions that I’d like to get rid of in time (such as the ~5k limit karma earned per post).

Basically, you can’t really earn more than 5,000 karma from a post or comment, even if it reaches that many upvotes or more. That’s not to say that you’ll get 1 karma point per upvote until your post hits the 5,000 mark - it tends to slow down at around ~1,500 upvotes, so in order to get 5,000 karma from a single post, you might need it to get tens of thousands of upvotes. That’s why, in order to amass thousands of karma points, you need to participate regularly on the site, and build up your karma with the upvotes you’ll get here and there.

Additionally, the older a post is, the less karma it gives you for the amount of upvotes it gets. The posts and comments that quickly shoot up in popularity are the ones that get the best karma-to-upvote ratio, and not the ones that get more upvotes over time. Posts over a day old likely won’t give you karma at all, even if they’re upvoted a lot. Here’s a very handy diagram that visualizes this.